Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 20, Islam.

I am disappointed as I did not record today’s wonderful class. The Imam who was presenting Islam to both others was marvelous. He covered on Islam from Adam to Abraham to our Prophet pbuh and to the guided caliphs as well in such a time. I need to learn how to do that, conveying the messages of Islam, with hikmah and wisdom to the others.

In the evening, we have this ‘fishbowl’ session where each faith groups sits on the center and try to answer this question individually within three minutes: “What do I need to experience from the other two faiths in order to trust each other better?” I think that I would not be able to express myself in words. Therefore, I attempted to compose a kind of poem or a rap maybe, trying to make it rhyme. I guess that is one way to get the message across while removing the sense of seriousness of the content:

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Here I am in B.A.P. trying to be truthful
To try and answer the question that we are all hopeful
The experience we need in order for us to be trustful

Remember the first evening, with soy sauce, salt and sugar
We were quick to say that at least one is different from the two other
Until we all listen, see, interact and look closer
We find all three similar and different uniquely with one another

The second evening we were group together not to play
But to share spiritual experiences in any way
We started to appreciate the others and that’s the way
Who knows enjoying sound of prayers too, may blown us away

To tap deep reservoir of spiritual power
That is the way to make the world brighter
So let us strive to find the answer
Together you and I, we can be the changer

Trust can be built by attending such courses
Learn to tolerate and put aside differences
Respecting each other, what our tradition teaches
In the end its God, whom we need to pleases.

Wallahualam. And God knows best.