Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 17, Building Abrahamic Partnership.

Tonight, we had dinner with Christians and Jews as well as other Muslims. This marks the beginning of our new adventure. It is seven days of extensive course with at least 20 other participants whose aim is to understand one another.

Tonight’s session was quite interesting. Prof. Yehezkel Landau started the class by giving us a container of pepper, salt and a bottle of a kind of soy sauce. We will then pass it around and introduce ourselves and purpose here, then group those three items earlier, anyway we sees it suit, as a representative of our three faiths, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. We had interesting views from all the participants. But the one I like the most was from David, a Jew, saying that this brilliant exercise highlights that although the container of pepper and salt is similar, but they taste differently. On the other hand, soy sauce may have different container, but it taste somewhat salty like salt, that’s how he sees our three religions are too. I have learnt something new about the Jews just from tonight’s session. They too have time for prayers after the sunset, a similar time with our Marghrib.

Tomorrow, we will have one long day. A 12 hours course from 9am to 9pm. I believe there is so much to learn from everyone. I hope that this will strengthen my faith with Allah s.w.t. Amin.